EIS Zuccheri


  • Description

    The Synergistic Integral Extracts combine plants from the western herbal tradition with those from non-European cultures, with complementary properties, each used in the extractive form that best enhances the health activity: Mother Tinctures, Dry Extracts and Essential Oils.
    Pack of 60 ml.


    Hydro-alcoholic solutions from fresh plants of: Mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaves 40%, Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) seeds, Galega (Galega officinalis L.) aerial parts; dry extracts of: Gymnema (Marsdenia sylvestris (Retz.) P.I.Forst. = Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R. Br. ex Sm. *) leaves tit. at 25% in ac. gymnemics, Momordica (Momordica charantia L. *) fruits; flavoring: essential oils of Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens L’Herit.) leaves, Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty (= Vetiveria z. (L.) Nash) roots

    acts favorably on carbohydrate metabolism

    Mode of use
    take 40 drops diluted in water, three times a day.

    Content of characterizing ingredients for maximum daily dose
    Hydro-alcoholic solutions of: Mulberry 2.4 ml, Fenugreek 2.1 ml, Galega 1.2 ml; Gymnema e.s. 150 mg, intake of ac. gymnemics 37.5 mg, Momordica e.s. 150 mg

    The dosages, indicated pursuant to art. 6 DL 169/2004, mean mean values.

    Of all the temptations, sugar is among those that really make us children again: attracts and rewards, promises warmth and satisfaction. It is really a sweet slavery, of which sometimes the body itself seems to want to free itself, deciding to have enough of it and, whatever the cost, its cells welcome the glucose offered to them by the blood with increasing difficulty. As a result, it increases in circulating fluids and threatens to do more damage than cuddles. The metabolic slowdown reported by hyperglycemia, which often appears with age, should be corrected to avoid repercussions on the whole organism.
    Sugars – Morus, regulates the endocrine functions that govern the absorption of sugars and helps maintain balance.

    The applications listed above are in no way prescriptive or therapeutic.
    Always consult your doctor in case of illness or illness.

    Possible side effects or interactions:
    Avoid taking during pregnancy. Contraindicated for subjects subjected to therapies with anticoagulants