Wild Oat (n.36), Bach flowers


  • Description


    • uncertainty about the way forward in life;
    • dissatisfaction.


    • ambition;
    • depression;
    • sense of isolation in society as if there was no
    • lace for him;
    • anxiety;
    • wasted talent and skills;
    • dissipation of energy;
    • vague physical ailments of undetermined origin;
    • sexual problems;
    • tendency to overeat.

    TRANSFORMATION: Wild Oat gives calmness and clarity of ideas, also it helps people get in touch with themselves and makes them free from conditioning. Often, we do bearers of other people’s dreams, we follow the roads are not ours, but simply that parents, teachers, friends, have chosen for us. The real success, however, is being able to do what you really want.
    Wild Oat is also used in cases where it is hard to know which remedy you need, or to the need or, conversely, when you have the feeling of needing all remedies.