Star of Bethlehem (n.29), Bach flowers


  • Description


    • state of shock;
    • affliction;
    • psychological blocks due to shock.


    • apathy;
    • hard to have feelings and sensations;
    • frigidity;
    • difficult to let go;
    • feeling of unhappiness;
    • sadness, melancholy;
    • anguish;
    • difficulty of mourning;
    • psychosomatic illnesses.

    TRANSFORMATION: Star of Bethlehem helps to free us from the pain settled in us. Releasing traumas, it allows us to regain the lost balance and awaken the personality numb with pain.
    This flower helps in healing from any psychosomatic illness because it removes energy blockages that caused it.
    Bach described it as “the remedy that comforts and heals the penis.”