Indigo powder (Indigofera tinctoria L.)


  • Description

    PROPERTIES: It is a great color for both fabrics that hair.

    Preparation: dissolve in hot water the powder of indigo and the amount varies depending on the length of the hair; the proportion is about 2-3 tablespoons indigofera for each tablespoon of water, so as to form a batter, nor too fluid because it would seep from the hair, nor too thick because it would be hard pressed to spread it evenly.
    Add to the mix 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar (or lemon, tea, yogurt) to fine tune the color and then apply it to dry hair for about 45-50 minutes, rinse and proceed with shampoo.

    WARNING: for the success it is good that the hair has not undergone any prior chemical treatment.

  • Additional information