A-R Ointment Tube 100 ml


  • Description

    For pain and inflammation caused by chronic joint pain, degenerative disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, cramps, and muscle strains.

    Active Ingredients
    Active ingredients 26.36%. Aloe Barbadensis Gel, Dry extract (titrated in Apigenin) (E/D 1:4), Glycerine (D/E 1:5) and Camomile distilled water, Liquid extract (D/E 4:1) of Linden, Dry and Liquid extract (D/E 4:1) of Horse chestnut, Liquid extract of Arnica (D/E 4:1), Dry extract (E/D 1:4) and liquid (D/E 1:4) of St John’s Wort, Shea Butter, Rosehip Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Vitamin E, Lavender Oil, Camphor, Mint, Eucalyptus, Clove, Cinnamon, Camomile. Bach Flowers: Willow, Star of Bethlehem, Vervain, Impatiens and Cherry Plum formulated to relieve anxiety.

    How To Use
    Spread generously over the affected area and massage well until completely absorbed. Repeat as required.

    Horse chestnut, known for its beneficial effect on veins and capillaries, helps restore and maintain healthy veins and microcirculation, and gives pain relief. Camomile and St John’s wort with their soothing and relaxing action, reduce muscle discomfort caused by excessive or insufficient exercise.