Ribes compound, 50 ml


  • Description

    INGREDIENTS: Black currant, Rosehip, Silver Fir, Gold-Vitale.
    Black currant has a marked anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and synergist against other gemmoterapici which often is associated; the gems of Rosehip are widely used because they are very effective in the prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infectious diseases (nasopharyngitis, otit, tonsillitis). The use of the gems of Rose hips can help in these cases to increase the body’s defenses and it is therefore important to begin our administration time, in the fall, and maintain it, albeit in cycles throughout the winter.
    Spruce is indicated for the support of dependent action of the upper airway and the trophic action at the skeletal level; its gems are particularly indicated in recurrent infections of the upper airway.
    Gold-Vitale is a spagyrico-alchemical mixture of plants characterized by a signature macrocosmic energy, naturally containing traces of colloidal trace elements, so as to amplify the product’s effect on specific organ or affected system.

    – Adults: 25 drops 3 times daily in a little water or under the tongue
    – Up to 12 years: 10 drops 3 times daily in a little water or juice

    – cold
    – Nasal congestion
    – Cortisone-like
    – Cortisone endogenous